Kudos Audio
Kudos Audio began life as a maker of award-winning speaker stands until renowned designer Derek Gilligan took the helm and Kudos was relaunched as a specialist in high performance loudspeakers.
We heard the amazing Titan 505s at the Bristol Hi-Fi show 2018 and decided to stock Kudos at our Windsor store
Hidden Systems also being a Linn dealer saw Kudos Audio’s interest in the Linn Exakt Digital Speaker filter technology. Kudos was one of the first speaker manufacturers to build filters for Linn's Exaktbox Crossovers - take a look at https://exakt.design
Currently we have a good range of Kudos loudspeakers on demonstration both passive and active.
Naim Audio Active operation
Naim Audio’s crossovers called SNAXO enable active analogue amplification with certain Kudos loudspeaker models.
A SNAXO 362 crossover is used for three-way loudspeakers, and can be used in tri-amped configurations with three stereo power amplifiers or six mono amplifiers partnering with the Kudos Titan 707 or 808 loudspeaker models.
The SNAXO 242 crossover is used for two-way loudspeakers, and can be used in bi-amped configurations with two stereo amplifiers or four mono amplifiers and partnering with Titan 505, 606 or Cardea Super 10A or 20A models.
Naim Snaxo 242
Kudos Simple Passive to Active Jumpers
Generally loudspeakers have passive crossovers, where the bass and treble are sent to their respective drive units via a circuit within the speaker cabinet. An active crossover is outside the speaker, and takes its power from a separate source rather than the music signal, giving a better sound. Converting speakers from passive to the superior active system is usually a job for your dealer, if it is possible at all. With the Kudos system, separate active and passive connections are provided, so as your system improves, your speakers can improve with it.
Active tecnologies compatible with Kudos
Linn Exakt
Exakt is a ground-breaking technology that turns the loudspeaker into an intelligent, connected, software-upgradeable product and enables a wide range of performance- and personalisation-enhancing capabilities in design, in manufacture and in the home.
In a Linn Exakt system the loudspeaker’s internal crossover is bypassed. Instead, Linn’s Exaktbox performs the crossover function digitally, routing the bass, mid-range and treble signals through separate amplifiers and applying Exakt technology for greater control of the music signal and to optimise the loudspeakers’ performance for the room.
Kudos has embraced this technology and evolved into one of the UK’s fastest-growing loudspeaker companies in recent years and has won numerous awards along with a worldwide following of audiophiles and music lovers. Kudos speakers have established themselves as some of the best-sounding available, with each model setting a standard at its respective price point.
Devialet Expert System
Devialet’s Expert audiophile system combines all of the key components of high-end playback (preamplifier, amplifier, DAC, streamer, phono stage) in a single slim box: just add source and speakers. The system incorporates a raft of Devialet’s patented technologies, including SAM® (Speaker Active Matching) which enables the precise adaptation of the music signal to the specifications of your speaker model.
This is made possible by the powerful digital signal processing (DSP) at the heart of each Devialet system. Kudos has collaborated with Devialet to take the technology’s potential a little further in Kudos top-of-range loudspeakers: by configuring the DSP to operate as an active crossover specifically programmed to run Kudos’ active-ready speakers.
Here is an example of Active configuration with three Devialet Expert 250s with Kudos Audio Titan 808s
Naim Snaxo 362